Measures of Randomness:

  • Shannon Information Content
  • Entropy
  • Diveregence
  • Mutual Information
  • Modeling Uncertainty
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext watermark
In [2]:
%watermark --author "Ryan Sloot |" -d -v
Ryan Sloot | 2016-10-08 

CPython 3.5.1
IPython 4.2.0

Shannon Information Content

$\qquad$For event $A$: $\ log_2\frac{1}{p(A)}$

  • measure of information in bits, can be thought of as measure of how suprised by results: high number $=>$ 'suprised' by results, high information gained, low number meaning little or no information gained.

Entropy (Shannon Entropy)

$\qquad H(X) = \sum_{x\in X}p_X(x)\cdot log_2\frac{1}{p_X(x)}$

  • How random a distribution is
  • On average, how many bits will need to store for r.v. $X$
  • i.e. Compressing an already compressed file does not really do anything

    Key Idea:
    More Random $\sim$ Less Predictable $\sim$ Less compressible
In [3]:
entropy = lambda p: np.sum(p * np.log2(1 / p))
In [4]:
## three loteries {amount gained: prob}
L1 = {-1: 999999/1000000, 9999: 1/1000000}
L2 = {-1: 999999/1000000, 999999: 1/1000000}
L3 = {-1: 9/10, 9: 1/10}
In [5]:
## compute entropy in bits for each Lottery
H_l1 = entropy(np.array([prob for prob in L1.values()]))
H_l2 = entropy(np.array([prob for prob in L2.values()]))
H_l3 = entropy(np.array([prob for prob in L3.values()]))
print('Entropies (in bits):\nL1: %.7f\nL2: %.7f\nL3: %.7f' % (H_l1,H_l2,H_l3))
Entropies (in bits):
L1: 0.0000214
L2: 0.0000214
L3: 0.4689956

For a random variable $X$ that takes on one of two values, one with probability $p$ and the other with probability $1−p$, plotting the entropy $H(p)$ as a function of $p$.

In [6]:
p_list = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
hs = np.array([entropy(np.array([p, 1-p])) for p in p_list])
plt.plot(p_list, hs)

# max_point = plt.plot(p_list[np.argmax(hs)], hs.max(b), 'ro')
# plt.text(p_list[np.argmax(hs)], hs.max(), 
#          '   Max Entropy: %.7f\n   P: %.2f' % (hs.max(), p_list[np.argmax(hs)+1]))
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Local\Continuum\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  if __name__ == '__main__':
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Local\Continuum\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
  if __name__ == '__main__':


$\qquad D(p\parallel q) = \sum_x p(x)\cdot log_2\frac{1}{q(x)} - \sum_x p(x)\cdot log_2\frac{1}{p(x)}$
$\qquad \qquad \ \ \ \ \ = \mathbb E_{X\sim P}[log_2\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}]$

  • Way to measure how two distributions are in terms of bits
  • Basic idea: Look at penalty we pay if we were to use a different distribution to encode a sample from distribution p.
  • Gibbs inequality property: $D(p\parallel q) = 0$ $iff$ $p==q$ for all $x$
    In general, $D(p\parallel q) \neq D(q\parallel p)$

Mutual Information

$\qquad I(X;Y) = D(p_{X,Y} \parallel p_Xp_Y)$

  • For two discrete r.v.s $X$ and $Y$, the mutual information between $X$ and $Y$, denoted as $I(X;Y)$, measures how much information they share.
  • Basic Idea: how far $X$ and $Y$ are from being independent, since if they were independent $I(X;Y)=0$
  • If $X=Y$ we would expect $X$ and $Y$ to share most possible amount of information, and would get $I(X;Y)=D(p_{X,Y} || p_Xp_Y)=H(X)$$-$meaning if $X$ and $Y$ are the same, then the number of bits they share is exactly the average number needed to store $X$(or $Y$), $H(X)$ bits
In [7]:
## joint space
joint_prob_XY = np.array([[0.10, 0.09, 0.11], 
                          [0.08, 0.07, 0.07], 
                          [0.18, 0.13, 0.17]])
In [8]:
## Marginalize px and py
prob_X = joint_prob_XY.sum(axis=1)
prob_Y = joint_prob_XY.sum(axis=0)
In [9]:
## joint probability IF X and Y were independent
joint_prob_XY_indep = np.outer(prob_X, prob_Y)
array([[ 0.108 ,  0.087 ,  0.105 ],
       [ 0.0792,  0.0638,  0.077 ],
       [ 0.1728,  0.1392,  0.168 ]])

Mutual information of $X$ and $Y$ is given by divergences between $p_{X,Y}$ and $p_Xp_Y$:

$\qquad I(X;Y) = D(p_{X,Y}\parallel p_{X}p_{Y}) = \sum _ x \sum _ y p_{X, Y}(x, y) \log _2 \frac{p_{X, Y}(x, y)}{p_ X(x) p_ Y(y)}.$

Divergence Generally:
$\qquad D(p\parallel q)=\sum_x p(x) log_2 \frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$

In [10]:
info_divergence = lambda x,y: np.sum(x * np.log2(x/y))
In [11]:
mutual_info_XY = info_divergence(joint_prob_XY,

Suppose we have three r.v.s $S,C,D$, where both $C$ and $D$ are dependent on $S$ we know:

$\qquad p_{C\ |\ S}(c\ |\ s) = 1\ /\ (2s+1)$ for $c \in \{ 0,1,\ldots ,2s\}$

and $D$ is $binom(q,S)$:

$\qquad \begin{eqnarray} p_{D\ |\ S}(d\ |\ s) &= \begin{cases} {s \choose d}\, q^d\, (1-q)^{s-d} & d \in \{0,\ldots,s\} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{eqnarray}$

In [12]:
s = np.array([1,2,3,4])
p_S = [.25, .25, .25, .25]
cs = np.array([i for i in range(2*len(s))])
p_CS = np.zeros((len(cs),len(s)))
for i in range(len(s)):
    for c in cs:
        p_CS[c,i] = (1/(2*s[i]+1))
p_C = p_CS.sum(axis=1)
E_C = (p_C*cs).sum()
In [13]:
import scipy.stats
def pmf_DS (p,d): 
    s = [1,2,3,4]
    p_ds = []
    for i in s:
    return np.array(p_ds)
In [14]:
array([ 0.2   ,  0.32  ,  0.384 ,  0.4096])

Two Consecutive 6s

Expeceted number of rolls to see two consecutive 6s with a fair die

In [15]:
## Geometric dist
p = 1/6
one_six_expected = 1/p #E[X]=1/p
print('%d rolls to see one six' % one_six_expected)
6 rolls to see one six

so 6 rolls plus one additional roll: to get two consectutive, would give us 7 total per sequence; which would take on average one_six_expected, 6, to see again:

In [16]:
consecutive_sixes = 1/p*(one_six_expected+1)
print('%.f rolls (on average) to see two consecutive sixes' % consecutive_sixes)
42 rolls (on average) to see two consecutive sixes


Entropy and information divergence come up often in probabalistic modeling, especially when choosing maximum likelihood to decide which model to use. Information divergence will tell us how far a candidate model is from the observed data. Mutual information will help us figure out which r.v.s we should directly model pairwise interactions with$-$based on whether the information gained between the two is reason to include.